Kiyohara no Fukayabu (清原深養父)

KIYOHARA no Fukayabu (year of birth and death unknown) was a Japanese poet of the mid-Heian period. His father was Buzen no suke (Assistant Governor of Buzen Province), Fusanori KIYOHARA. KIYOHARA no Motosuke was his grandson (there is another theory that regards him as a son), and Sei Shonagon was his great-granddaughter (another theory considers her to have been his granddaughter). He is regarded as one of the medieval 36 Immortal Poets.

He was unfortunate in promotions, and he ended his career as Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade), Takumi no Daijo in 930 after filling the posts of Takumi no Jo (Secretary of the Bureau of Skilled Artisans) in 908 and Takumi no Daijo (Senior Secretary of the Bureau of Skilled Artisans) in 923.

However, he had a good reputation as a poet: 17 poems of his were selected for the 'Kokin wakashu' (Collection of Ancient and Modern Poems). He also excelled at playing the koto (Japanese zither), and was friends with FUJIWARA no Kanesuke, KI no Tsurayuki and OSHIKOCHI no Mitsune. It is said that in his later years, he built Fudaraku-ji Temple at Iwakura in the northern part of Kyoto and lived in seclusion.

He left behind a personal collection 'Fukayabu Shu.'

Ogura Hyakunin Isshu (the Ogura Anthology of One Hundred Tanka-poems by One Hundred Poets)
No. 36: The short summer night is already over though I thought it was evening still--where in the clouds, I wonder, will the moon stay. ('Kokin wakashu' Summer, 166)

[Original Japanese]